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What the euphemism did you sell?" the child says, "First, I sold-out him a tiny low fish hook. Then I sold-out him a medium hook. Then I sold-out him a bigger hook. Then I sold-out him a replacement rod. Then I asked him wherever he was going fishing and he same down the coast, therefore I told him he was progressing to would like a ship, therefore we have a tendency to went all the way down to the boat department and that i sold-out him a twin engine Hub of the Universe Whaler. Then he same he did not suppose his Honda Civic would pull it, therefore I took him all the way down to the automotive department and sold-out him that 4 Expedition."  The boss same, "A guy came in here to shop for a fish hook and you sold-out him a ship and a TRUCK?" the child same, "No, the guy came in here to shop for Tampons for his partner, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you must go fishing.'"

For more jokes go to: LIST OF JOKES

The ideal quick jokes smart stupid funny jokes intelligent funny sms jokes greatest clean funny jokes great hilarious short jokes.

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